Going to see homes for sale that interest you is necessary when you’re looking for a home to purchase. While you might be tempted to look at the layout and aesthetic value of the home, the initial viewing is a good chance to determine if there’s anything amiss with...
The Experience You Need
Year: 2022
3 mistakes to avoid when selling your Connecticut home
You love your beautiful house, but your growing family needs more room. Since your home is well-kept and attractive, you feel sure it will sell right away – and at the price you want. Most first-time sellers feel the same way about their property, but believing your...
Are you required to attend residential real estate closings?
Whether buying or selling a home, you have likely been preparing for the closing day for some time. Now that it is almost here, you experience a crisis or a work issue that rules out your attendance. Since you cannot be there, does it mean the deal has fallen through?...
What do legal representatives do in real estate transactions?
Under Connecticut law, nearly all residential real estate transactions (for buyers and sellers) require legal representation. For example, in closings that involve title insurance, you are required by law to use counsel. Since you will probably need to work with a...
Why would a bank allow a short sale?
A short sale happens when someone owes a certain amount of money on a loan for a property, but the lender agrees to take a smaller amount. For instance, someone owes $300,000 on their mortgage, but the lender approves a short sale for someone else to buy the house for...
Can a home be a lemon?
When you’re looking to buy a new car or a used car, you may be worried about getting a lemon. This is a vehicle that just constantly breaks down, needs repairs all the time and was clearly a bad investment. Many people call these cars money pits, others call them...
2 reasons real estate deals fall through
You’ve been searching for your next dream home for some time now, and a place has come up that ticks all the right boxes. You’ve viewed the property, taking steps to secure finances and an offer has been put in place. Is this the end of the deal? Do you still have...
2 compelling reasons to consider backing out of a home purchase
Buying a house is a major life event, especially for those making their first home purchase. Frayed nerves or “cold feet” are common as closing day approaches, but they typically do not interfere with the purchase. While you probably should not abandon the transaction...
Factors that can delay a real estate closing
Generally, it is beneficial for both buyers and sellers to reach a fair agreement that can be closed efficiently. Often, this is how real estate purchases work out. However, not every deal is smooth sailing and there are certain things that can get in the way....
Can I change my mind after my offer on a home is accepted?
You’ve found the perfect home and your offer has been accepted. The next day your spouse tells you that their boss is transferring them out of state. Now, you’re wondering if you can back out of buying the house. The good news is that you can retract your offer due to...